четверг, 3 июля 2014 г.


In these days it seems like grades depend on your future,your life.You don't know how much i've been sad over these stupid numbers.Believe me,my grades are just horrible.There are so many intelligent people that don't have good grades.You can call him stupid and stuff,but it's not right.There are so many reasons why you can have a bad grade.I feel like people learn just for grades and not for themselves.Not from passion and interest.
So,stop calling stupid some  people that are really intelligent and can say something beautiful and smart that can blow your mind. 


пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

"Best friends"

In these past months I realized that I'm my own best friend.I think you can relate to that..some of you.I mean,every best friend may promise you that they'll be with you forever,that they'll care about you and that they
 won't get bored when you say something interesting that happened to you.

Believe me,it's not true.I had lots of friends that told me that they love me and that they do like hanging out with me,but then I realized that they just say mean things about me whenever I'm not around them.
Yes,they can make you smile,they can make you really execited,but they can still be the ones that want you hurt.
I'm not saying that every friend can be like that,but I'm talking about this type of friends.
I actually saw some really good friendships and I'm so happy that they do exist,but in my opinion there are some friends that just don't care.


четверг, 26 июня 2014 г.

Song of the day

This song just gives me a very positive feeling.Ed Sheeran's voice can always make me feel better and I'm so grateful for every song that he writes,because you can see how good he feels a song  and his lyrics always mean something to him,you can clearly see it.
If you ever feel sad and you need help,just listen to Ed Sheeran,but the most important,listen to his lyrics.

                        ♡ ♡


среда, 25 июня 2014 г.

Something about me

Sooo,i've started to write this blog,but i didn't mention something about me.First of all,my name is Jackline and i live in Moldova,such a small country and you can't really find something interesting to do in here.So,my native language is romanian and speaking english is a hobby for me.So if i write something wrong in english,don't judge me,PLEASE!
  My life consists of music,books,my bike,TV Shows,movies,FOOD.ff
I had lots of diaries,but i never finished them.Sometimes i like to go in my little place,where i can read,listen to music and just enjoy the beautiful sky.
  I actually have friends!Surprising,right?
   I forgot to mention that i'm obsessed over bands like:One Direction,Fifth Harmony,Little Mix,The 1975 and so on..
  I don't know if you think that i'm an interesting person,but just wanted to let you know what kind of person writes this blog :)



  So i think the biggest problem for teenagers right now is bullying.I don't understand it.I don't understand why some teenagers these days choose to say mean words to someone that doesn't deserve it.I don't understand why they have to make it just for fun and just because they don't like something in that person.
  They know nothing about them.They don't know that they can take it too seriously.There are a lot of teenagers that cut themselves and cry every night thinking about how worthless they are.THIS SHOULD STOP.
Hey,you,yeah,you!If you read this just remember that you are worth it and you are BEAUTIFUL.You don't deserve it and you should concentrate on good things.You should think about the ones that make your life happy.
Listen to music, lay on your bed and THINK.Think about it,because it's not too late.


Quote of the day!

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” -Marilyn Monroe 


вторник, 24 июня 2014 г.

Accepting yourself


Like Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony said: "“It’s okay not to be perfect. Your imperfections are what make you YOU. And at the end of the day, people like real people, flaws and all. At least I do.” 

And she is right.Yes,there are a lot of people that think that the way you look is the most important thing and they don't even care about the personality,but you should be yourself,you should proove them that being YOU is BEAUTIFUL.You should not be ashamed of yourself,because you're in this world for a reason.You have something special,something that you should share with everybody.  My advice for you is to SMILE and just EMBRACE YOURSELF.                                                                                                                                  




    Sooo,holaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!Okay,this seems weird,right?I should stop.
I decided to create my own blog,because it seems like i have nothing to do this summer.These past months i've been struggling with insecurity.I was so depressed and alone and i know that i'm not the only one who had this problem,because there are thousands of teenagers that feel like this.They feel not good enough and i don't think this is okay,because everybody deserves happiness and we should take this seriously.
  So this blog ..i think..is a little place where i can talk about things like this and i can help you in different situations.I love you !